Lesson #27 And That’s All Folks!

Jenny/ June 29, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

So this is our very last lesson in The Kingdom Code Journey Through the Code series! Wowzers!! This lesson is all about looking back on your kingdom builder and assessing where you are at, what you did right, what you did wrong and what you would/will change. I thought it would be fun to do some short videos of the

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Are You Free to Make a Choice?

Jenny/ June 25, 2020/ Uncategorised

Well here it is almost the very end of June and we are on Lesson #24 in The Kingdom Code Journey Through the Code series! Just a short recap in case this is your first post to read… Back last year we were chosen to journal our trip through this super cool entrepreneur program made specifically for kids from a

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Taking Charge of Your Life

Jenny/ June 21, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Its time for Lesson #23 in our Journey Through the Code from The Kingdom Code! And this one was so timely! Its all about taking charge of your own life😬 Lets get started! Do you want to be dependent or independent? I don’t know about you but I want to be dependent on God but independent in my daily life

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Lesson #22 Journey Through the Code

Jenny/ June 15, 2020/ Uncategorised

Here we are on lesson #22 in The Kingdom Code! I would have had this posted earlier but our internet has quit so I’m only able to post limited functions on my phone data😕 Anyway here we are and this lesson we did several neat things. One thing we did was make a chart of his bedroom contents and list

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The Pied Piper of Marketing Lesson #21

Jenny/ June 12, 2020/ Uncategorised

So this week’s lesson in The Kingdom Code was on marketing and advertising and how they play on your emotions (which is emotional appeal). We learned how to choose wisely by having discernment. We learned all about how commercials try to convince us to buy things that we want because they create an emotional reaction in us. For example some

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Looking Back, Lesson #20

Jenny/ June 7, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Goodness, its hard to believe there are just a few more lessons in our Journey Through the Code from The Kingdom Code! But here we are at Lesson 20 and 27 is the end! We should finish by the end of June. Anyway, lesson 20 is about looking back and doing some recap. So here goes! Our favorite proclamation was

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Lesson 19 “Keeping Your Money Safe”

Jenny/ June 4, 2020/ Uncategorised

“I gain knowledge when I have respect for the Lord and His words.” Proclamation for Lesson #19~ This lesson in The Kingdom Code was about learning how to keep your money safe by keeping it in a bank. We also learned new banking terms such as withdrawal, deposit, savings account and certificate of deposit. Why keep your money in a

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Lesson #18 What’s My Goal?

Jenny/ May 31, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Welcome to Lesson #18 What’s My Goal with The Kingdom Code! This lesson is about learning to check your goals you’ve set, adjust them if necessary and preservere to reach them! We learned new bookkeeping words such as gross profit, net profit and more. So how does Jake’s business stack up so far? In the last few weeks he has

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“Discover Your Gifts” Lesson #17

Jenny/ May 29, 2020/ Uncategorised

“I am guided by God all the days of my life”. Do you believe that? Its true but only if we follow God’s leading and his principles! What are principles? Rules and beliefs which guide your thoughts, words, and actions! Join us now for Lesson #17, Discover Your Gifts🎇from The Kingdom Code. This lesson was all about finding the talents

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Journey Through the Code #16

Jenny/ May 17, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

So Welcome to our Journal of our Journey Through the Code. This is Lesson 16 in The Kingdom Code entrepreneur program for kids! This week is about keeping close tabs on your ledgers and catching problems as they happen. Let’s get going! What this lesson is all about… If you run a business you need to always keep your finger

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