About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.

Britfield & The Return of the Prince

Jenny/ November 30, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

Do you like a good intriguing, spellbinding series? If so then you’ll want to read Britfield & The Return of the Prince by C.R. Stewart. This is the 3rd book in a series of books that travels along with 2 young teenagers Tom and Sarah. Tom is the true heir to the throne in England though the people in power

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Math for the Master(y)

Jenny/ November 18, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

In our homeschool we have 2 kids who enjoy their math on the computer and 1 who definitely doesn’t. So its been a search to find him some he learns from and enjoys. When I stumbled across Roots by the River and their Math for the Master(y) I was super excited to try it. It had no fluff and seemed

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Homeschool Math for the Whole Family

Jenny/ October 22, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

So now I have 3 kids I homeschool. My 8 and 5 year olds are both doing CTCMath. My 11 year old prefers his math on paper and that’s fine too. We’re all different. But here’s a great homeschool math program to check out if 1. your child likes computer work 2. You have internet access 3. You have multiple

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Good Pictures, Bad Pictures, Protecting Our Children from Porn!

Jenny/ September 1, 2022/ Family Life, Homeschool Reviews

This Spring I was reading an article on how many children are exposed to porn and what parents could do to help protect and prepare them. While doing this I ran across a blog and they mentioned a book called “Good Pictures, Bad Pictures” by Kristen A. Jenson. It sounded amazing so I contacted her for a possible review (which

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Praise Hymn Bible Books

Jenny/ May 5, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

Do you struggle to teach your younger kids about God’s Word? It can often be difficult to keep their attention and engage them. However, there is a great series of learning books for your children from Praise Hymn Inc. that takes your child through the Bible in a fun, but very in-depth way! The series is called Praise Hymn Bible

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Experience History with “Beric the Briton” by Heirloom Audio Adventures

Jenny/ April 2, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

I’m sure each of us would have to admit that they love learning history through memorizing name, date and location. What??? You mean you don’t? You can’t possibly mean that doesn’t work well for you or your kids! Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t work well for us either. Actually I’m pretty sure that the people this actually works for in

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The Best Homesteaders are Good Researchers

Jenny/ February 4, 2022/ Grit blog posts

Research. You might not have thought much about that concept since your school days, or perhaps you’re the kind of person who loves to dig deeply into a ton of topics. Whatever your preferences, the fact remains that research is an excellent way to learn about things we don’t know a lot about. Continue reading on Grit…

What Shall We Do in This New Year?

Jenny/ December 29, 2021/ Family Life

It’s no secret that a huge percentage of people set New Year goal only to quit before the end of January. I’d love to know how many pieces of exercise equipment are purchased the first week of January and then gathering dust by February. Like it or not we are a nation of tried and failed individuals. We’re always trying

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