Lesson #22 Journey Through the Code

Jenny/ June 15, 2020/ Uncategorised

Here we are on lesson #22 in The Kingdom Code! I would have had this posted earlier but our internet has quit so I’m only able to post limited functions on my phone data😕 Anyway here we are and this lesson we did several neat things.

One thing we did was make a chart of his bedroom contents and list whether they are needs or wants. Since my phone isn’t loading pictures right now I am copying these for you!

finally got this to post!


Blanket, clothes, shoes, coat


Bed, pillow, pillowcases, sheets, extra clothes, 2 coats, toys, books

We also learned a ton about Texas history! Did you know 6 different flags have flown over Texas? Can you guess them? Spanish, French, Mexican, Republic of Texas, Confederate, and United States. It has a hugely diverse history!

We were supposed to list how immigrants have changed our community in this lesson. My son’s great, great, great grandfather came over from Germany in the late 1800’s. In fact during the WW1 he was determined to fly a flag supporting Germany but his children convinced him that would not be wise, lol. He just didn’t understand at first that his new country was in a war with his old country.

We do not have a very diverse culture where we live, (as we live very rural) however we enjoy many foods from other cultures such as pizza, pastas, Mexican dishes and BBQ!

Some words we learned were Christianity, commerce, immigrants, occupation and resourceful.

My son is learning to be resourceful in his work and play which means to wisely use the resources or supplies you have available. For example he is using vegetable clippings like cabbage leaves or picking clover to supplement feed his rabbits. The rabbits love it and certain food scraps don’t go to waste! It also saves him money on rabbit feed.

Disclaimer journey through the codr
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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.