Journey Through the Code #16

Jenny/ May 17, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

So Welcome to our Journal of our Journey Through the Code. This is Lesson 16 in The Kingdom Code entrepreneur program for kids! This week is about keeping close tabs on your ledgers and catching problems as they happen. Let’s get going! What this lesson is all about… If you run a business you need to always keep your finger

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Journey Through the Code #15

Jenny/ May 11, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Welcome to our Journal Entries on The Kingdom Code! We are now at Lesson #15 and this week is a business exam. It was our job to look at the business plan my son had made (with my help) and determine what was working, what wasn’t and what he should do differently. Kingdom Code Business Review So one thing my

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Journey Through the Code #12

Jenny/ April 29, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Man if you are wondering what in the heck is going on right now in our world I’m right there with ya! It was estimated that if our shut downs continued through the end of April that 25% of our small businesses would close😟 That’s AWFUL! One huge reason for that unfortunately is the giant debtload most people and businesses

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Journey Through the Kingdom Code, Entry #10

Jenny/ February 25, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Woohoo! We are smokin’ through our Journey Through the Code now! And learning soooo much about running a business God’s Way from The Kingdom Code entrepreneurs program. Btw, in case you’re just joining us, we are homeschoolers but you could absolutely use this with your kids regardless😜 Now, on to Lesson #10! We have been starting to focus on our

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Journey Through the Code, Journal Entry #5

Jenny/ November 19, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

Oooh, I’m so far behind right now! We’ve been doing this awesome program called The Kingdom Code, Journey Through the Code but sadly I’m really behind on documenting it! Oops, well real life happens 🙂 So, here’s our update for Lesson #5. Remember this is our entrepreneur program for kids to teach them how to start and run a business!

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The Kingdom Code Journal Entry #3

Jenny/ September 19, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

  So, we are continuing our Journey Through the Code this week with The Kingdom Code business building program for kids!   (I just want to make a note here for you all who love multi-tasking, this program is fabulous for that!)   Our proclamation for this week was “The Lord has plans for me to succeed.  His plans are

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The Kingdom Code Journal Entry #2

Jenny/ September 4, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

      So, this is our 2nd lesson from The Kingdom Code!  We have been learning all kinds of things this week.  Here’s what this lesson is all about:   First off, our proclamation was about choosing to work!  Do you realize it’s a choice and a blessing to be able to choose this?   Then we learned about

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