Journey Through the Code #15

Jenny/ May 11, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Welcome to our Journal Entries on The Kingdom Code! We are now at Lesson #15 and this week is a business exam. It was our job to look at the business plan my son had made (with my help) and determine what was working, what wasn’t and what he should do differently.

Kingdom Code Business Review

So one thing my son has learned is that running your own business requires you to do things you may not enjoy! Since his is a service business right now (later selling rabbits and eggs will be a little different) he is limited to working hard for his money and sometimes quite frankly he doesn’t enjoy the individual jobs (laundry is not a favorite lol). But he IS learning to do them well and without complaining! He’s also showing a great display of diligence by offering to do extra jobs.

Another thing he’s learning is to value the money he’s worked so hard for. Before he would be likely to blow his money on a toy and then regret it. Now he’s being more intentional and realizing it can take a lot of effort to meet your goals.

An area that isn’t working so well on his business plan is going to the neighbors to do jobs. Right now that just isn’t feasible. A possible adjustment in the future is a vegetable and fruit stand where people stop and he would man it. Since it would be in our yard he wouldn’t be dealing with customers without an adult close by (he’s only 9).

He is also learning a hugely important skill of supervising others in their work along with motivating them to work with kindness and firm authority.

He has decided he really enjoys cooking so a possible side business would be selling baked goods at our roadside stand or to individuals who order on a weekly basis.

RRemember it’s super important to evaluate your business plan and make adjustments as needed for your business to succeed!

I hope you’ll join us later this week as we continue our journey!

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.

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