Journey Through the Kingdom Code, Entry #10

Jenny/ February 25, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Woohoo! We are smokin’ through our Journey Through the Code now! And learning soooo much about running a business God’s Way from The Kingdom Code entrepreneurs program. Btw, in case you’re just joining us, we are homeschoolers but you could absolutely use this with your kids regardless😜

Now, on to Lesson #10! We have been starting to focus on our JOEYS envelope system which stands for:

J: Jesus

O: Others

E: Education

Y: You

S: Savings

And we are on….O for Others right now! What exactly does that mean?

the kingdom code journey through the code

Giving is a blessing.

Guess what? Its a blessing to be able to give! And it doesn’t have to be MONEY! It could be time, talents or a combination of things. But God blesses us when we give.

Do you want to read about this from the beginning? Read Entry #1!

Its suggested to put 5% of your personal spending money in your Others envelope. Then when you see a need you can decide whether you could/should meet it.

the kingdom code, journey through the code

I had to laugh as Jake at first thought this meant he had to spend all his money on his brother and sister instead of buying anything for himself. I explained it did NOT mean that but meant we should help meet others needs if we can and its beneficial to them. 

Want to learn how you can train your kids to start and run their own business God’s Way? Use code 10TKC21 to get 10% off!

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.