Fables, Myths & Fairy Tales

Jenny/ August 29, 2021/ Homeschool Reviews

So, we’ve already started another school year around here and while there is always a learning curve, so far its going well! We’re doing a few things the same here and a few things differently. For example, while we’re staying with IEW (because I’m just crazy about them!) we are using one of their focused writing curriculums. I let my

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How To Teach Grammar (the easy way)!

Jenny/ February 28, 2021/ Homeschool Reviews

Ok, so I’m being completely upfront and honest here…I don’t remember really learning grammar. I know I did have to learn something about it but obviously it didn’t stick with me because other than remembering what a noun, pronoun and verb were very foggily, that was it! So, how’s a mama to teach something she doesn’t know? Enter….IEW to the

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Summer Reading Program with "Stories to Short Chapters" language arts program review and a Coupon!

Jenny/ July 21, 2019/ Thrifty Homeschool Mama Tips & Tricks

  It’s summer break, however I don’t feel like it’s a good idea to just stop with our reading practice and math. One way we are working on our reading is through WinterPromise Publishing and their Stories to Short Chapters language arts program. If you’ve followed any of my reviews this is actually #4 in this set of reviews. Here’s

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Lightning Lit Review

Jenny/ June 12, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

   I am always looking for ways to incorporate living books in my son’s literature so when I was given Grade 2 Lightning Lit Set from Hewitt Homeschooling Resources I was very excited!  Lightning Lit is a comprehensive literature program that is designed to nuture a love of learning in your children with fun, interesting and sensible reading studies.    First of all, there

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"Stories to Short Chapters" LA Curriculum Review & A Discount!!

Jenny/ April 16, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

  I’m continuing my review of  Stories to Short Chapters we started last year.  A lot has happened in the last year: a rough start to my pregnancy last May, a new baby which has brought more responsibilities and a toddler and preschooler who are “very” energetic.  We also had to take several steps backward with Jake’s reading because he

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