Learning with IEW & the Primary Art of Language Beginner Grade Level Program

Jenny/ January 11, 2021/ Homeschool Reviews

We have been adding more and more IEW to our homeschooling program and the start of this new semester we added IEW and the Primary Art of Language beginner grade level program set! I’m using this with my 7 and 4 year old kids. My 4 year old is rather advanced for her age and my 7 year old has some learning challenges so its been a perfect fit that I can work with them at the same time! The fantastic thing about this program is that the student books are pdf files so you can reprint within your own family as needed, making them SUPER economical for larger families! We also currently have a 2 year old who will be using this in a few years 🙂

Disclaimer: I use affiliate links of products I love and use! I only recommend products I absolutely LOVE!

Why use IEW for your beginner grade level program?

Have you ever used IEW?? Have you heard of them? If not then you are SERIOUSLY missing out!! I have used multiple beginner grade level programs and they all had good things going for them but some were incredibly bulky, incredibly involved or just simply full of worksheets and majorly expensive 🙁 When I stumbled on IEW and heard Andrew Pudewa speak it was like a light bulb went off in my head. AHA, my search was over! It combined building a solid foundation with gently challenging your child in a low-stress, hands on environment. It was truly EVERYTHING I wanted in a language arts program. (And btw, they call it the Art of Language because effective writing and communication are truly an art).

Read my new post on How to Effectively Teach the Art of Language!

How does this program work?

First off, the setup is fantastic. There is a spiral bound copy of the teacher’s manual for reading, one for writing and one for the phonetic games. A dvd/dvd rom are included for both the writing and reading section. This is something I’m truly in LOVE with! I’ve never used a program before that has a dvd that thoroughly explains how to use the materials 🙂 I mean, seriously this simplifies the process SO MUCH! The dvd rom also is able to be put in your computer and you can print the student books from it as needed AND it has audio talks from both Andrew Pudewa and Anna Ingram (she’s the one who “invented” this method of learning and is amazing btw).

There’s also All About Spelling included for your child to start them off on a journey to being a good speller. The whole kit is a pretty awesome bargain and I’m completely in love with it. I really, really wish I’d had it when I was teaching my first son to read because he struggled. Just a side note, but the lady who wrote this curriculum, all her children dealt with dyslexia type issues and she wrote this curriculum with struggling learners in mind. That being said, if your child doesn’t have learning issues then they may scoot through the lessons at a quicker pace.

And that’s another wonderful thing about this program, its flexible! I really look at it as the perfect combination of Classical, Charlotte Mason and Montessori! It also has a helpful daily schedule you can use and basically a scripted lesson plan for the day. You don’t have to use it of course but I have to be honest its INCREDIBLY handy!

Now, we can’t forget the games that are in the Phonetic Games book 🙂 I absolutely LOVE this setup! Each even page goes on the left side of a file folder and the odd number goes on the right side. Then you put the cards or game pieces for each game in a ziploc bag and put it in the file folder. You can then store all the game boards upright in a cabinet or small tote. My kids are crazy about the games!

Do you need a beginner grade level program?

Ok, so if you have an amazingly easy child to teach you “might” get away with just doing it off the cuff. I haven’t had that success yet by myself honestly, especially when it comes to teaching spelling. Ugh! This is one huge reason I feel so blessed to use this curriculum. I DON’T like to feel like I’m stumbling around and not getting to where I’m trying to go. I LOVE seeing progress and seeing my child get it without pulling out my hair. Anyone else relate to that? I’m already seeing tremendous progress with this program and I’m extremely excited to continue it!

Let me know if you check it out and how this could help your child learn!

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.