"Stories to Short Chapters" LA Curriculum Review & A Discount!!

Jenny/ April 16, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews


I’m continuing my review of  Stories to Short Chapters we started last year.  A lot has happened in the last year: a rough start to my pregnancy last May, a new baby which has brought more responsibilities and a toddler and preschooler who are “very” energetic.  We also had to take several steps backward with Jake’s reading because he was getting frustrated and discouraged.  So, while I would have liked to have gotten this review completed earlier it just wasn’t possible.  Such is life and you have to learn to roll with the punches!


However, we have recently gotten back into this program because Jake’s reading level and ability have improved dramatically in the last couple of months!  Yeah!  I think it has to do with readiness not age…sigh…you think I would have already figured that out!  Anyway, we have been reading from these stories again and they are so much fun! 


Jake is independently reading them now (with some help of course) and he is gradually gaining confidence.  I consider this such an awesome thing!! Yippie 🙂  I love the story lines.  It actually tells a continuing story that makes sense (unlike so many “age appropriate” readers).  


It also has activities with new words, new sounds, and new sound blends.  This is definitely a “living” book program like Charlotte Mason recommends.  It starts the story in the beginning books where you’re learning to read and continues it through each language arts series.  However, instead of the parent having to do all the work of finding appropriate literature, making up questions and the like, its already done for you!



Frolic in the Forest is where you’ll start out. Then they move onto Winter in the Woods, Mischief in the Meadow and finish with Havoc in Pine Hollow.  It also has a handwriting book.   Your child gets lots of reading practice but no so much its an overwhelming experience for them.  I let Jake read a paragraph then I will read a paragraph to him.  It helps keep him motivated, especially on new words he isn’t familiar with.  The writing book will give them fun writing prompts such as this one which asks for a favorite baked treat and to describe it and your reasons for liking it.


One thing I really enjoy about these is the fun animals they put into them.  What outdoor loving kid wouldn’t enjoy reading about squirrels, chipmunks, owls and more?  I think its great that a company publishes literature for the kids to learn on instead of silly nonsense material!  They also make narration a huge part of their program (LOVE THIS!).  Your child will not just waste his/her time filling in worksheets but actually comprehending what they are reading!


So, if you’re looking for a curriculum that gets your kid excited about reading and begs to hear the next part of the story (Jake does!) then I highly encourage you to check them out!  They have several other themed programs available to choose from and you can start out at the beginning or jump in wherever you need to!  You can also check out samples of the programs so you can see if its something that your child will enjoy (I just bet they will!).  


I want to also make a note that these are generally for grades 1-2 but they are really flexible in my opinion and could be easily modified for multiple levels.  These are available in either the printed or digital edition!  Check out the samples available on their website and let me know in the comments what appeals to you.  Happy Reading!


Now, a super special offer for my readers:. 10% off your order plus free shipping!!! Use coupon code inconvenient10



disclaimer:  I received these materials free of charge for my fair and honest reviews!  I only recommend products I love! I was not required to give a positive review 🙂



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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.