Summer Reading Program with "Stories to Short Chapters" language arts program review and a Coupon!

Jenny/ July 21, 2019/ Thrifty Homeschool Mama Tips & Tricks


It’s summer break, however I don’t feel like it’s a good idea to just stop with our reading practice and math. One way we are working on our reading is through WinterPromise Publishing and their Stories to Short Chapters language arts program.

If you’ve followed any of my reviews this is actually #4 in this set of reviews. Here’s a short follow up of all the reviews and what this program contains:

1.  It’s an animal based set of stories. Each section picks up where the others left off. It’s not bits and pieces but more an actual book! Charlotte Mason style learning simplified for parents.

2.  There are loads of practice that is based on the stories. It’s not random work but actually relies on their paying attention to the story. I read part of these aloud and ask questions. I also take turns with Jake reading.

3.  Each section introduces new language arts concepts and skills. Recently we practiced with compound words.

4.  It improves their reading ability by getting them very into the story line and uses new blends, harder words ECT as the story progresses.

5.  It has bright colored pictures throughout. I don’t know why but I love this part! The characters are super cute and the storyline is fun.

6.  I have the digital version so I can reprint pages as needed.

7.  There is a copy-work booklet also! Jake uses this to practice his handwriting in.

We have really enjoyed this series. I will actually keep on using it as Jake continues to improve in his reading. I felt it was a little more advanced than other programs for 1-2 grades. It has some pretty difficult words so we are gradually going through this. In fact, this would be awesome for a child who advances rapidly in reading!

I’m going to post some pictures of his recent work and then don’t forget about this wonderful coupon code I have for you! inconvenient10 which will let you save 10% off your whole order!!!






Disclaimer: I received this product free for my fair and honest review. I was not compensated any other way or required to give a positive review! I only recommend products we love and use! 

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.