Experience History with “Beric the Briton” by Heirloom Audio Adventures

Jenny/ April 2, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

I’m sure each of us would have to admit that they love learning history through memorizing name, date and location. What??? You mean you don’t? You can’t possibly mean that doesn’t work well for you or your kids! Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t work well for us either. Actually I’m pretty sure that the people this actually works for in

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"St. Bartholomew's Eve" Audio Drama from Heirloom Audio Review

Jenny/ October 16, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

   So, I’ve bragged over and over about Heirloom Audio and when I was given “St. Bartholomew’s Eve”, which is part of the extraordinary adventures of G.A. Henty, to review it certainly didn’t disappoint us!  Again, the sound quality is phenomenal and the story definitely jumps out and grabs you!  I received this series on a 2 cd set that

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A Review of Heirloom Audio's Wulf the Saxon audio-adventure

Jenny/ February 19, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

 I am so excited to be reviewing Heirloom Audio’s Productions Wulf the Saxon Audio Adventure!  Do your kids love adventures?  Mine sure do and they are constantly sword-fighting, climbing mountains, capturing outlaws and rescuing maidens in distress (usually their sister) so this adventure was right up our alley!  I’m usually the kind of person who would rather read a good

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