Experience History with “Beric the Briton” by Heirloom Audio Adventures

Jenny/ April 2, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

I’m sure each of us would have to admit that they love learning history through memorizing name, date and location. What??? You mean you don’t? You can’t possibly mean that doesn’t work well for you or your kids! Oh, that’s right, it doesn’t work well for us either. Actually I’m pretty sure that the people this actually works for in the world could be counted on one hand. So, exactly why do we teach that way? (I honestly have no idea). Instead, why on earth aren’t we utilizing the amazing way to experience history through thrilling audio adventures like “Beric the Briton” from Heirloom Audio?

experience history

Experience History:

I mean, seriously why wouldn’t we want to give our kids a holistic view of history? This is exactly what “Beric the Briton” does! It takes you into the life of Beric and his best friend Bodouc as they are captured from ancient Britannia by the Romans. Then they trained as gladiators and placed in the service of Emperor Nero. (random side note: I never learned any of this in history). But while in the service of Nero they hear word of a mysterious “Christus” and they are forced to take a hard look at their lives and what they believe in. Can someone change their hearts and is forgiveness possible?

I have said this before and I’ll probably say it a hundred times more but these audio adventures are a homeschool mom’s dream! They require ZERO prep from you, they engage your kids the whole time and they’re actually learning true history, not to mention these are about Christ’s redemptive work in human’s hearts. You can’t go wrong with something that your kids can learn from while riding in the car, during quiet time, or downloaded onto an mp3 player or phone. If they’re anything like mine, they’ll actually ask to listen. I have to admit that my husband and I like them just as much as the kids 🙂

Like all the other adventures the sound effects and voices are FANTASTIC! Everything is incredibly high quality and grabs you from the beginning (no waiting for them to get interested). I read that it was described as 3-D sound effects and I think that is a perfect definition of it. It makes you feel like you’re really in the story. Our whole family likes audio books (they are very handy and have their place) but with these, even our youngest gets interested because they don’t have to listen to a 300+ page book read work for word. This involves you at every turn and you really get to experience history. There are no slow parts! These are on 2 cd’s and are over 2 hours long.

These make a wonderful gift for anyone who likes or doesn’t like history 🙂 They’re perfect for homeschoolers or for other schoolers who want to supplement with living history. You really can’t go wrong here! If you want to read my reviews on other G. A. Henty adventures from Heirloom Audio just click the links below.

Cat of Bustabees

In the Reign of Terror

Homeschool Reviews

Disclaimer: I received this product for my fair and honest review. I was not compensated in any other way and wasn’t required to make a positive review. All views are entirely my own and I don’t recommend something I don’t love 🙂

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.