A Daily Dose of Grace!

Jenny/ August 15, 2019/ Family Life

  I don’t know about you, but as a parent sometimes I just get really discouraged. I start to wonder, am I doing anything right?  Are my kids going to be failures because of my failures?     I have a moment of truth for you (and myself). God gave these kids to you for a specific purpose. He didn’t make

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Cultivating Wildness

Jenny/ March 23, 2019/ Family Life

 In case you’re wondering, that’s all-natural charcoal “paint” on his face!   We were recently told to “just face it, all kids spend their days glued to a video game.”  Well, we may be weird but this is not our kids.  Not because they have made this incredibly mature decision to not play video games but because we have “gasp”

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Training Boys to be Husbands and Fathers

Jenny/ March 15, 2019/ Family Life

  In our world today there is so much emphasis put on careers and continued learning.  Even in the elementary years there is a drive to prepare for college.  However, there is little preparation for the most important job they will ever have: that of being a husband and father.  And by the statistics of divorce and abandonment by men

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"No Longer Little" book review

Jenny/ July 23, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

   I have a son who will turn 8 in December so I was really excited to get to review a book by Great Waters Press called “No Longer Little: Parenting Tweens with Grace and Hope”.  This book is specifically geared towards parents of boys and girls ages 8-14 so it was perfect for me!  They also have another book

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Letting Go of Expectations

Jenny/ July 14, 2018/ Family Life

  When we had our first child I foolishly declared that nothing would change.  They were simply along for the ride and our lifestyle would stay exactly the same.  If we were going hunting together we’d simply hang baby in a custom made safety belt and he’d of course stay there quietly for the hunt.  Ummm.  That isn’t quite the

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A Review of Parenting Made Practical

Jenny/ March 12, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

        I’ll be the first to admit it but I’m a book addict!  And I especially love helpful books on subjects like marriage, parenting, homeschooling ect…  So I was very happy to be selected to review a book called “Why Can’t I Get My Kids to Behave?” by Parenting Made Practical.Its not that I think my kids

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