Training Boys to be Husbands and Fathers

Jenny/ March 15, 2019/ Family Life


In our world today there is so much emphasis put on careers and continued learning.  Even in the elementary years there is a drive to prepare for college.  However, there is little preparation for the most important job they will ever have: that of being a husband and father.  And by the statistics of divorce and abandonment by men it seems we need a lot of work on this issue!


First of all, we as a society do not put a high regard on being a husband and father.  It seems to be a side-note, an option, a possibility AFTER they have chosen a career, traveled or perhaps acquired lots of things.  The Bible, however, puts a lot of importance on marriage and family while not much is said about careers.  I’m not saying a career doesn’t matter but it really doesn’t have an eternal meaning while a family is the only thing you can actually take to heaven with you!  So how do we prepare our sons for this most important job?


Our first priority must be to emphasize the importance of being a husband and father.  If we degrade this then our children will think less of the responsibility.  They will see it as a chain around their neck instead of a blessing and reward.  As a child though my parents presented a good view of marriage and family there was never a conscious effort made to show that being a spouse or parent was the highest calling we could achieve.   This is no way takes away from a woman or man’s importance as a single individual but the Bible is clear that he made men and women to build Godly families together.


We should also show our sons that providing for their families is a priority and that they bear a responsibility before God to provide for, protect and lead their wives and children.  Fathers can model this for their children and moms can also by being willing to follow their husband’s leading.


We should teach our sons basic household skills such as maintenance, cooking, cleaning and laundry.  We should teach them to care for children and place a high importance on children.  Our sons absolutely love babies and Jake says “Its so nice to have a baby in the house, I hope we always do!”


Most of all we should take them to God’s Word and show them what He says about marriage and children!  All other opinions pale in comparison to God’s authority!


So, how about you?  Are you actively training your sons to be Godly husbands and fathers?  


Next week I’ll address “Training girls to be wives and mothers.”

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.