A Daily Dose of Grace!

Jenny/ August 15, 2019/ Family Life


I don’t know about you, but as a parent sometimes I just get really discouraged. I start to wonder, am I doing anything right?  Are my kids going to be failures because of my failures?  


I have a moment of truth for you (and myself). God gave these kids to you for a specific purpose. He didn’t make a mistake, even though we make many of them. I find this hard to believe during my stressful moments though. I mean, why would God entrust me with this task?  He knows I’m dust and full of fluctuating hormone????


I was reading the other day about how God can use our weaknesses more than our strengths. I don’t even know how that is possible, but with God all things are possible!  


I see my weaknesses All.The.Time!  People will comment on our medium (or large depending on who you talk to, lol) sized family and say things like, I wish I had your patience or I don’t have the patience to homeschool. I always have the urge to laugh hysterically because truth be told, I am soooo impatient. Yes, it’s true, I am not mellow. I snap at my kids more than I should. I get frustrated when someone doesn’t get a math concept or pick up on reading right away. 


I fight the tendency towards laziness every day. When you homeschool with 4 young children it’s not really an option to be lazy but honestly I would really love to just read all day. It’s not my nature to be driven. I’d much rather sleep in. But I’ve found that doesn’t fly with our life, so I’ve had to change. But that is a weakness of mine. Now, I’m wondering, is that so I will be more patient when my kids tend toward laziness?  


Perhaps God gives us many of our foibles and shortcomings to humble us and make us realize that we are not our children’s master but instead a guide.  So, what are we guiding them to?  Are we guiding them to trust in their own strengths or to fall on their faces before their loving Father and beg Him for guidance and help. 


I fall flat on my face in this area far too often.  I bemoan my weaknesses and my children’s and fail to realize that this is just where God works the most.  


So, here’s to GRACE!  Grace to forgive myself and my children and spouse.  God has forgiven me and continues to do so daily.  May I be just as kind to myself and others!








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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.

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