How to Homeschool with Little Ones

Jenny/ July 20, 2019/ Family Life

So, you have this beautiful image in your mind of homeschooling your family. Your children all sit quietly looking at their books or projects. Each person takes turns. You, meanwhile take care of the baby who of course only nurses every 4 hours and takes long, uninterrupted naps while the others work. The toddler plays calmly all the while, occasionally

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Can You Homeschool? Yes You Can!

Jenny/ April 13, 2018/ Thrifty Homeschool Mama Tips & Tricks

  Anyone who is familiar with Bob the Builder might recognize my title rendition 🙂  But I hear this from people frequently who think they “can’t” homeschool.  Not because they think its not legal (which of course it is) but for financial reasons, socialization reasons or because they think you have to have loads of patience (insert maniacal laughter here).

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A Review of Yearly Membership

Jenny/ January 8, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

  I have been given the privilege of reviewing the Yearly Membership for  This is a site that provides a comprehensive homeschooling package utilizing downloadable products, videos and other resources such as free access to World Book.   The video library is wonderful for me.  I love that it has no commercials to worry about (unlike YouTube).  We especially

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How to teach your child to read in 550 non-easy steps

Jenny/ December 9, 2017/ Thrifty Homeschool Mama Tips & Tricks

      Sorry for the somewhat amusing title.  There is a popular “Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons” that has a great following in the home-school community.  Unfortunately for us, it does not relate to my son’s learning style.  So, we paddled through it, hoping someday the “Easy” part would come along.  Sadly it never did.

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