How to Homeschool with Little Ones

Jenny/ July 20, 2019/ Family Life

So, you have this beautiful image in your mind of homeschooling your family. Your children all sit quietly looking at their books or projects. Each person takes turns. You, meanwhile take care of the baby who of course only nurses every 4 hours and takes long, uninterrupted naps while the others work. The toddler plays calmly all the while, occasionally asking for help. There is peace, serenity and everyone learns amazing amounts every day! You think its so easy to homeschool with little ones…

And then there is reality! Which…!

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So, here’s to the crazy life when you are homeschooling multiple aged at once. I currently have an 8, 5, 2, and a 6 month old so people I am in the trenches with you!

How homeschool with little ones really looks.

Jake my 8 year old is currently the only one who is homeschooling full-time, though we are adding to the 5 year olds schedule this year. The others must be supervised and occupied or disorder reins, which isn’t good for anyone!

How do you do it?

Expect interruptions. When you choose to homeschool with little ones it can get CRAZY. It’s life, people. It’s not perfect and honestly it’s pretty messy. My homeschool does NOT look like a postcard. I mean, really, when I’m working with Jake the others may drag out every toy from the toybox and yes I let them, simply because it occupies them, mostly quietly and they aren’t being destructive or in danger.

Find things to keep their hands busy. For example, my 5 & 2 year olds love Play-Doh, magic markers and paint. Yes, it always requires a clean-up but we can get reading or math done in that time. It’s worth it!

Learn together. Involve the little ones as much as possible. Let them sit on your lap while you do read-a-louds or play with Legos while you teach math. You’ll be amazed at how much they will pick up on without you even actively teaching them!

Last resort… movie or learning app time. Yes, I’d love to do completely without this, but sometimes there is no other option. We love Starfall BTW!

Later on, I will be letting the older ones take turns occupying a younger one while I work with an individual. This year we will put that into practice as my 5 year old gets more serious about reading and math.

Don’t get discouraged!

Some days are just a wash. One kid’s sick, one’s grouchy and the baby wants to nurse every 15 minutes. Close your eyes, say a prayer and go outside for a nature walk if possible. If not, curl up together with a fun or educational movie and snuggle or put on some music and dance! Attitudes improve with exercise and fresh air (yours too)!

Don’t give up on attempting to homeschool with little ones!

God gave you these kids, this job and these challenges. He will help you to overcome and to finish the race he has set before you!

Now looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

Keep looking to Him and seeking joy! You CAN homeschool with little ones💖

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.

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