
Jenny/ February 7, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews


Yeah! Its our first official review of the year and its one of my absolute favorites: and the Ultimate Annual Yearly Membership!  This is seriously one of the most awesome resources you can get for the whole homeschooling family!  There are videos for everyone, over 400 courses, downloadable planners, e-books, parent helps, World Book access and loads of extras!  So, what’s included?  Let’s explore all has to offer from our family’s experience!


First of all, one area we absolutely LOVE is the video section.  There are tons of great videos for you and your kids to enjoy.  Ours really enjoy the Donkey Ollie, Charlie Churchmouse, Torchlighter series (it highlights specific missionaries or people who have impacted our faith), Stevie’s Treks (which covers Geography and missionary work at the same time) and the Drive Thru History Series (we loved this so much we bought it on dvds).  There are also Bible studies, language arts, holidays, science, math and many more videos.  I can guarantee you’ll find something in that section that will be a help and blessing to you!

If you are looking for a way to get yourself and your kids moving (especially as winter keeps us indoors more) then look no further than their new Physical Education Center!  This resource helps you access where your kids are physically and set goals for them based on their ages and abilities.  It is divided up into elementary and 6th-12th grades so you can get an accurate view of where they are and what they should be learning.  It will help you incorporate skills and activities into their everyday lives also.  It will also help you teach them various games such as soccer and tennis.  This would be great for the whole family and a fun way to stay active even when its hard to get outdoors!


Another area we really enjoyed was the Science section. We did the Dinosaurs and the Bible course.  Since we have younger ones it was slightly different for us then it would be for older ones but regardless we learned lots and had fun while doing it!


Something that is included with your subscription is access to World Book!  Let me tell you, this is such a valuable resource!  There are loads and loads of information at your fingertips here from how plants reproduce to e-books and science experiments for your kids.  A note:  World Book is not Christian so you should preview the information and let your kids know if there are things you disagree with.  


If you are homeschooling more than one child and different grade levels this is going to be a huge blessing to you!  There are plenty of options available for all the different ages which will help free up your schedule 🙂  


I hope you’ll check them out, they are seriously one of the best investments you can make in your homeschooling journey and will save you loads of time and money!  Don’t forget to check out the other reviews at the link below!








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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.