Baby Daisy has arrived!

Jenny/ February 2, 2019/ Family Life

After waiting (impatiently) for 40 weeks, 6 days Baby Daisy-Mae Fairlight finally arrived on January 27th at 12:57 a.m.!  We were blessed with another beautiful home-birth and she is thriving 🙂  


The funny part of the story is I called my midwives on Saturday with consistent contractions that were becoming painful.  They arrived about 5 that afternoon.  After they came the contractions became very irregular and basically everything stopped.  We tried several natural things to get labor going but by 8:30 we had pretty much resigned ourselves to no baby that night.  So, one midwife decided to stay the night and the other one started her long drive home.  


After she left (within 20 minutes) my contractions started again.  I told my midwife, “this is crazy, my contractions started up again” and we laughed.  But by 10 they were becoming super painful and I hopped in the bath while Dennis put the kids to bed.  The contractions were now about 5 minutes apart and very painful.  My midwife texted the other midwife and told her she might want to come back because this seemed like the real thing.  After about an hour I got out of the bath and told Dennis and the midwife to go to sleep and rest while they could.  I went in and tried to rest but the contractions kept coming stronger and closer together.  


My second midwife made it in about 12 and I sent her to the recliner to rest.  About 12:30 I woke the other midwife up and told her I was pretty sure I was almost ready to push.  She checked and I was fully dilated! Woohoo!  I went and woke Dennis up and at 12:57 I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl 🙂  Dennis was a rock as always and my midwives were a gift from God.  Jake, Lilly & Gabe slept through it all and then we woke Jake up and he got to help cut the cord (which he loved!).


We are so grateful to the Lord for His tremendous blessing!

(pictures to follow!)



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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.