The Value of a Father

Jenny/ February 15, 2018/ Family Life



In today’s world we often hear of problem fathers; fathers leaving their families & “deadbeat” dads.  Sadly this is the case far too much.  But, we should also hear of the Dad’s who are doing their part.  The Dad’s who sacrifice comfort, time and money for the sake of their families 🙂  Enter:  my husband!


My husband is amazing!  He has supported me in being a stay-at-home mom from the beginning, even when everyone told us we were crazy for me quitting my job when our oldest was born.  He fully supports us on his one income and never expects me to contribute to our budget!  How awesome is that? 


He also fully supports our homeschooling and does his best to create learning opportunities with our children on a daily basis.  Whether its reading an extra book (or 5) to them, taking them on a field trip or dissecting a deer or turkey to show them the different parts of the body, he is always willing to be involved!


Dennis is great at playing with the kids (something I fall short on many times).  He is their favorite playmate.  Even though he’s tired after working all day he always finds the time and energy to play with them when he comes home.  He might be a wild Indian, a bucking bronco or an outlaw in need of capture but he’s always up for a wild, fun time!




He never balks at talking to them about serious matters, whether its about the dangers of pornography or the need to stay pure he doesn’t turn that over to me.  He deserves a medal just for that!  He also talks to them about one day supporting a family and deep spiritual truths.  And he disciplines them faithfully which is a huge blessing 🙂


No, he’s not perfect and will never be on this earth.  We have our fusses, our disagreements and our grouchy days, but he amazes me at his willingness to humble himself and ask forgiveness and admit his weaknesses and bad habits.  He is a great husband & father and a wonderful example and blessing to our family!  I thank God so much for him!


What does your husband do to bless your family?

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.