Lifeschooling~Help for the Stressed Out Mom

Jenny/ January 22, 2020/ Family Life

Dear Mama, are you tired? Are you a worried, stressed out mom and so discouraged? Is this road you’re traveling on not looking at all what you thought it would? Take heart and keep reading! You aren’t alone. Here’s help for the stressed out mama! Disclaimer: I use affiliate links of products I personally use & love. Being tired is

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Jenny/ December 3, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

So, earlier this year I stumbled upon a philosophy called Wild+Free. I hadn’t really heard about this before and it intrigued me, but as a busy homeschool mom of 4 I didn’t have that much time to research it and it kinda slipped my mind. However, later on I heard about a new book called “The Call of the Wild+Free”

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