Homeschool Math (the easy way)

Jenny/ April 25, 2021/ Homeschool Reviews

I don’t know about you but life can get a bit overwhelming and when you try to do too much it can be hugely overwhelming! That’s why this late winter/early spring we switched back to CTCMath. Having 3 kids who are doing math was getting to be too much with the parent intensive program I was using. (It was a

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CTCMath Review (hint: its awesome!)

Jenny/ August 19, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

  Ok, right off the bat, if you’re completely awesome with math and have no need of a private tutor for your child then maybe this isn’t for you.  Or if you don’t like an all-inclusive math program that you can easily adjust to fit your child’s need then maybe you don’t want to look any further.  Butttttt….If you’re anything

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