Spring Update Part #2

Jenny/ June 27, 2020/ Family Life

A few weeks ago I gave everyone a little update on how we all are doing. This week I thought it would be best to do a garden update!

This one makes me smile. We get our eggs from my lovely friend Cassie and this gorgeous egg was in there!

These pictures are now a little old. Oops! Our tomatoes are out of their baskets at the top and loaded with cherry tomatoes. I really regret that we didn’t plant some regular ones also.

We dug one raised bed of potatoes. Honestly they didn’t do great but were delicious. We replanted that empty bed with spaghetti squash. We absolutely love spaghetti squash!

Our beans are now over and back again on their trellises and I have been picking a few. Those evil Japanese beetles are a scourge but I “think” we are winning this year with neem oil and handpicking.

Our berries are loaded and should produce well if I can keep all the kids off of them๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

During this CRAZY time we’ve been trying to focus on becoming more prepared and independent and spending lots of time outdoors! What about you? How is your Spring/Summer going?

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.