Journey Through the Code, Journal Entry #9
Well, after being a little slow on our Journey Through the Code we are really hitting it hard! I know pretty weather is right around the corner and I’m trying to get ahead of all our to-do list! So, what if you’re just joining us on The Kingdom Code trip? What’s this all about?
We started our entrepreneurial journey last summer with this super neat program called The Kingdom Code. Just a quick recap here but you can read all about it at the first entry in our series.
Anyway, this is a entrepreneur program completely from a Christian perspective! And it doesn’t just cover one subject! You can use it to teach pretty much anything so you can combine your subjects. Woop! There’s of course math, business, history and Bible at the very least. We also have used it for our copywork! Its designed to completely equip your kids to start and run their own business God’s Way!
Now, that you have somewhat of an idea what we’re doing, we’re ready for Lesson #9.
We’re starting to learn about a budget this week and how to divide your money up into different budget categories. I can seriously hear you all saying, why on earth didn’t we learn this as kids? Yep, thought the same thing!
We also did a little recap of some things we’ve been learning. I personally had my son practice again on ledgers. Those are just SO helpful to learn how to use!
We are learning about financial security and how much of a blessing that is! My son then got to learn about Old Testament tithing and what percentage means.
This week finished off with a challenge to put 10% in their JOEYS Treasure Keeper envelopes!
Do you want 10% off this AWESOME course? Use code 10TKC21. Come back and read our next weeks!