DIY Natural Laundry Soap
I don’t know about you but I really don’t like using toxic chemicals in my laundry! Our skin is our biggest organ and laundry soap is a huge irritant to many. However I can’t afford the natural laundry soaps with a family our size and the ones I made before didn’t do a great job. So when I tried this recipe I was somewhat sceptical but have been absolutely impressed with the results!!
Here’s the ingredients:
Natural bar soap, Dr. Woods is what I used
Washing soda
Baking soda
Essential oils
Grate bar soap using a hand grater or cut into chunks and use a food processor
In a large airtight container mix grated soap, 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup oxi-clean (optional, add 30 drops essential oil).
Place lid on and shake well.
Use 2-3 tablespoons per load.
This has been doing an excellent job on the dirtiest of our laundry. If you need extra cleaning though, you can add a little extra oxi-clean with each wash. I also add the essential oils in the wash, not in the powder.
Let me know if you try this and how you like it! I figure it does approximately 30-40 loads with this recipe so you can easily double or triple the amounts to do more!