February Update

Jenny/ February 26, 2019/ Family Life



We are now almost done with February 🙂  This month has FLOWN by!  I can’t believe my baby girl will be a month old on Wednesday.  It makes me happy and sad all at the same time 🙂  I am sooo ready for Spring though!


We have been homeschooling on a different pace this month since our newest addition arrived and Daddy has been home to do lots of field trips and projects with the boys.  Now, its time to return to our regulary scheduled programming, lol.  We did get a lot of books read or listened to this month.  We also worked on a homeschooling curriculum called Homeschool Complete.  


Jake is really improving on his reading and math and his love of history is increasing as he listens to the Rush Revere series of books (more on that later in a review).  He’s had lots of fun spending extra time helping Dad in the shop and is learning to do many of the household tasks by himself (like vacuuming, dishes, laundry and cooking).


Gabe loves anything with wheels and is constantly engineering things with his hot wheel cars.  He can also get his sister Lilly to do anything he asks which can be interesting  (to say the least).  He is growing every day it seems and is constantly into mischief 😉


Lilly is a little ray of ornery sunshine to all of us.  Her vocabulary is amazing for a 2 year old and she knows most of her colors and can count to 18!  This truly blows my mind.  I think she has learned most of it from her brothers.  Sometimes I wonder if she can already read, lol.  


Daisy has already won all of our hearts and the kids absolutely adore her!  Her Daddy is melted butter around her.  He is in serious trouble with 2 lovely little girls.  Though she had some trouble with gaining weight at first (she liked sleeping better than eating) she is now gaining steadily.  She has grown about an inch in length since birth!  She smiles and laughs (especially at the kids) and is a joy of a baby!


I can hardly wait until Spring when we can all get outside!  I am looking for to planting my garden (and I ordered more blackberry bushes for my birthday) and playing in the dirt!  Here’s to Spring coming early and staying long!


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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.