The Joy of Motherhood

Jenny/ May 12, 2018/ Family Life


Is motherhood joyful?


I’m puzzling over that question right now.  And its a rather complicated answer.  First of all, I have learned that it is not all fun, all snuggly or all pinterest worthy.  In fact, it can be rather messy, frustrating and downright annoying at times (especially when you’d just like to use the bathroom ALONE!)


However, the Bible clearly speaks to children being a blessing and being “a joyful mother of children”.  Aha, there’s the real issue isn’t it?  Its not whether motherhood is joyful, its whether the mother is joyful that’s really the point here!


So, how do we be a “joyful” mother in the midst of all the messes, cranky attitudes and sleepless nights.  Frankly, I don’t have this figured out yet, but I was listening to a program the other day and I believe it addressed the main key in this problem.  Setting our minds on Christ….We read over and over about dwelling on his goodness, his blessing, his provision, his sacrifice.  We don’t read that we are to constantly berate ourselves for our imperfect house, our imperfect children, our imperfect life.  If we do dwell on those things we won’t be a joyful mother, in fact we’ll be a miserable mother.  A mother who can’t possibly pass on Godly values and a desire to be like Christ.


I’m really the world’s worst at this.  I tend to think, if everyone’s attitude is good then I can be content.  But I can’t control anyone’s attitude but my own.  I can make a choice to set my affections on things above or things below.  I can dwell on God’s goodness or the fact that my husband snapped at me.  I can focus on God’s promise or fuss over my children fussing with each other.  


While my salvation is all in God’s hand, my joy in my salvation is squarely in my court.  I can waste my time endlessly scrolling through other people’s dramas or spend my time in prayer for the instead.  I wonder which one will profit?  I can squander my opportunities to encourage, exhort and admonish my children by continually griping at them or I can take a step back, figure out what issues really need addressed and which ones are simply childishness and will one day be outgrown (not liking to wear underwear….lol)


The real issue is whether we are feeding the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Because the Bible clearly says the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galation 5:22).  Ok, that just summed up exactly what I want in my life!  


How about you?  Are you a joyful mother of children?  And if not, do you want to be?

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.