5 Thrifty Ways to Homeschool

Jenny/ November 30, 2019/ Thrifty Homeschool Mama Tips & Tricks

Oh homeschooling is just outta my price range! Look at all the expensive curriculum I have to buy. And all the supplies! Yikes! Don’t stress Mama, here are 5 Thrifty Ways to Homeschool! Thrifty Way to Homeschool #1 Follow a homeschooling style that doesn’t require expensive supplies or curriculum! This one is HUGE! You aren’t a public school and you

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5 Thrifty Reasons to Homeschool

Jenny/ November 2, 2019/ Thrifty Homeschool Mama Tips & Tricks

I hear people saying All.The.Time. I can’t afford to homeschool. It’s so expensive! Now, we have 4 young children that we raise on one very modest income. We also successfully homeschool on that income. In my humble opinion kids aren’t expensive, it’s the things we think kids have to have that are so expensive and… drumroll please.. ???????????? government school!

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