"Mattie Richardson's Horses in History Series" Review

Jenny/ November 12, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

I just love a good historical fiction book, and when we got to review Author Mattie Richardson/Appaloosy Books and the Mattie Richardson’s Horses in History Series we were excited!  These are a set of books about specific horses placed in special events in history.  You get to experience the history through the eyes of the horses!  Very creative and appealing

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"Creating A Masterpiece" Review

Jenny/ October 22, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

   Creating A Masterpiece  is an awesome program we got to review and a year subscription to their online  Drawing Program! If you would love to teach drawing to your kids but have no idea how or where to start this program is for you!  Or maybe you started teaching your kids but they have quickly advanced past your expertise, this

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