"Mattie Richardson's Horses in History Series" Review

Jenny/ November 12, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

I just love a good historical fiction book, and when we got to review Author Mattie Richardson/Appaloosy Books and the Mattie Richardson’s Horses in History Series we were excited!  These are a set of books about specific horses placed in special events in history.  You get to experience the history through the eyes of the horses!  Very creative and appealing

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"Goldtown Beginnings" By Kregel Publications~Review

Jenny/ November 5, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

We received 2 books from Kregel Publications in their Goldtown Beginnings series called Jem Strikes Gold & Jem’s Frog Fiasco.  These are the first 2 books in the series.  As usual, we were excited, because we love new books (especially adventure books!).    First off, these books are paperback (but good quality) and approximately 80 pages long.  These are rated

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"The Heart Changer" book review

Jenny/ July 10, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews

           I love a good historical fiction book, so I was really excited to get to review a debut book by Jarm Del Boccio, Author called “The Heart Changer”.  Jarm (pronounced Yarm) is a teacher from our very own SchoolhouseTeachers.com!  This is the e-book that I reviewed.  There is also a hardcopy!  The mobi version was super

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A Review of Heirloom Audio's Wulf the Saxon audio-adventure

Jenny/ February 19, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

 I am so excited to be reviewing Heirloom Audio’s Productions Wulf the Saxon Audio Adventure!  Do your kids love adventures?  Mine sure do and they are constantly sword-fighting, climbing mountains, capturing outlaws and rescuing maidens in distress (usually their sister) so this adventure was right up our alley!  I’m usually the kind of person who would rather read a good

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