The Ultimate Whole Wheat Maple Syrup Blueberry Muffin

Jenny/ October 30, 2020/ Family Life

In our family we cook with freshly ground whole wheat flour and I gotta tell you if you aren’t cooking with great whole wheat flour you are definitely missing out!! And whats easier for breakfast than make ahead blueberry muffins? Made with 100% whole wheat flour, delectable maple syrup and blueberries! No artificial ingredients and super cheap and easy to

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Easy snacks for kids

Jenny/ October 4, 2017/ Family Life

I don’t know about your kids, but mine eat ALL day long.  I have read that means they have nutritional deficiencies, not enough protein, blah, blah, blah.  I think its because they are so active and don’t eat a load at one setting.  So, having nutritious, easy snacks is a must at our house! First stop:  fresh fruit!  They absolutely

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