Britfield & The Return of the Prince

Jenny/ November 30, 2022/ Homeschool Reviews

Do you like a good intriguing, spellbinding series? If so then you’ll want to read Britfield & The Return of the Prince by C.R. Stewart. This is the 3rd book in a series of books that travels along with 2 young teenagers Tom and Sarah. Tom is the true heir to the throne in England though the people in power

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Britfield & The Rise Of The Lion

Jenny/ July 5, 2021/ Homeschool Reviews

I absolutely LOVE a good book and a couple years ago we reviewed Britfield and my son was crazy about it. He’d been anxiously awaiting the next installment in this 7 book series and here it is: Britfield & The Rise Of The Lion! This is a HUGE 470 page adventure book and is a sequel to “Britfield & The

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