A Missionary Adventure in Venturing With God In Congo

Jenny/ March 11, 2020/ Homeschool Reviews

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor compensated in any other way.

I enjoy reading missionary books SO much, (My mom is probably to blame for that, lol)! So I was super excited to get to review this book called “Venturing With God In Congo” by Conjurske Publications. This is a hardback book which of course I love!


A lot of missionary books are written by someone else, which is fine. But this one is written by the actual missionary himself, which honestly is AWESOME! I think firsthand accounts are even more intriguing and this book did not disappoint me at all🎊

Why read a missionary book?

First off, why would you even want to read a missionary book? I mean, if you aren’t going to be a missionary, does this even have a purpose? Oh my YES! In my opinion these are so needful for encouraging a close Christian walk. When you read the stories of people who gave their lives to share the Gospel with a tribe who had never heard it, you see the true love of Christ. Now I am in no way suggesting that everyone has to be a missionary to a 3rd world country to love Jesus. I’m just saying that their lives can deeply encourage us!


What is this book about?

This book tells the true, personal account of Darrel and his wife as they travel to the Congo as a young, married couple with a small baby and one on the way. Frankly you can’t begin to fathom how they lived among the native people. I couldn’t imagine living in a home where poisoness snakes could come right into your home, or where termites would eat your clothes if left against the walls at night.

This was a completely different world from what I know.

How I used this book.

I read this book all myself but I also read many portions to the kids. My son loved the parts about snakes and other dangerous wild animals. He also found the story of a witch doctor living in a termite mound crazy.

Missionary stories can bring an element to our lives that we otherwise would not experience in our rather cushioned lives. I personally can’t imagine hiding from the guerrilla group who sought to kill you. Or about having converts who previously vowed to kill the first person in that community who became a Christian. I can’t imagine not eating potatoes because they were so expensive or locking my children in a caged in box at night to protect them from harmful creatures. This book tells all of these and more!

This book will excite your adventure loving kids and perhaps inspire a future missionary! Oh and I almost forgot…it has ALOT of actual pictures which my kids really enjoyed!

Don’t forget to read the other reviews at the link below!

Venturing with God in Congo {Conjurske Publications Reviews}
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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.