Rhythm & Writing with the Get Write Crew-Review

Jenny/ April 2, 2019/ Homeschool Reviews






I don’t know about your kids but my boys sometimes struggle to make letters properly so it was timely for me to be able to review Rhythm & Writing and their writing workbook and video program Rhythm & Writing with the Get Write Crew.  This combines the use of a spiral bound workbook and online short videos to teach children the proper way to make their letters.


First, the workbook is sturdy and stands up to a boy’s use (important to me, hehe).  It is full of cute illustrations that they can color.  Each set of letters (they have grouped them into similarly made ones) comes with a short set of instructions that can be memorized and chanted.  The basic way you use this is to have your child complete the pre-assessment to see if they are having any difficulty making their letters then you can either start with those letters or start at the beginning.  We started at the beginning.  Jake (8) dislikes writing and his handwriting is interesting 🙂


This also comes with short online videos that reinforce the chanted instructions.  While these are catchy they are in rap style which honestly wasn’t our favorite but they do stick in your head.  My 2 year old was chanting the raps later in the day after we watched them.  For example, the “H” has the chant “Long line down jump out, long line down and across.”  The videos are done in bright colors so they definitely catch their attention and are about 2-4 minutes long each.  You can watch them either before or after you read the workbook story.


The letters are divided up into groups and each group comes with a cute, short story you can read-a-loud to your younger students or let them read if they are independent readers.  The groups are:  Lti, VvWw, TI(capitol I), FE, NM, Pp, BRD, AH, Kk, lbh, rnm, CcOo, ad, gq, GQ, Ss, fUu, XxYy, eZz, Jj.  Then you’ll have a letter review at the end and a post assessment to see how they’ve improved.  It also comes with a transparency sheet so you can let them practice with dry erase markers before they write in the workbook.


We have used this workbook for several weeks and are slowly working through it.  We go through about 2-3 letters per week because I don’t want to rush him and let him have time to really learn it.  Its not the easiest thing to do to get him to make the letters in the order they should be done in.  I’m trying to make him understand that he’ll be able to write faster when he makes them in an automatic fashion instead of making them any which way it strikes him at the moment 😉



So, if you have a student who is struggling to make their letters properly or one who is learning for the first time this set would be great for you!  It takes so much hassle out of the individual letter formation teaching for the parent and makes it interesting and fun for the student!  Win, win!


Be sure and check out the other great reviews at the link below!  Happy Spring!!





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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.