2018 Update :)

Jenny/ January 11, 2018/ Family Life

Its already the 11th day of a new year.  That amazes me!  It seems like my years are on fast forward anymore.  When I was a kid, it took 5 years from January to December, now it takes a month, lol.


So, how is my new year shaping up?  Well, interesting to say the least!  My one word for the year was Intentional.  I’m doing ok with that, but of course there are bumps (and giant potholes!) along the way.


I’m trying a new schooling method with the boys that seems to be going much smoother (ok, I just started that today, but its a vast improvement over the other days this week).  If I can just remember to slow down and realize I am their mommy not a teacher than it goes so much better!  Being a mommy covers all the necessary bases so I don’t have to be like anyone else to teach them, it just comes with the territory.  Seems simple, but in our world we are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we need a specialist for everything.


I’m also reading more to them, which went right along with joining Usborne, a children’s book company. (by the way, clicking on that link will take you to my shopping page!)  I got all these great books in my start-up kit and immediately handed them over to my kids, who pored over them for hours!  Success!!  Reading is one of my absolutely favorite things to do and I want to instill that love in my children also.


Exercising hasn’t picked up as I hoped it would, but I am being intentional about being more active.  I’m also eating much lower carb and am already seeing the results in my increased energy and decreased scale numbers!  Yeah! 


I’m also being more intentional about my purchases and trying to think before I click “complete purchase”.  I am not a shopper but the internet makes it so easy to buy, buy, buy!  This morning I almost purchased several skin care products, then googled diy ones and in about 2 minutes made a facial mask with coffee, coconut oil and green tea for probably 2 cents!


I really notice the days I’m not intentional about spending time in God’s word!  Its not a magic pill to grouchless days but it sure does something to my temperament! 


So, how are you doing in the New Year?  Has it started off well for you?

 BTW, I’m going to be sharing over at the Homeschool Blog Link Up!  Come check out all the other awesome blogs there!



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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.