Praying for my children

Jenny/ October 6, 2017/ Family Life

I wonder if I prayed for my children half as much as I wished for better behavior if I would see a drastic difference in a short time…  I’m reading a blog who gives ways to pray scripture over your children and I’m shocked I had never thought of this before.  It’s not like I can improve on God’s words and He promises that His word will not return to Him void (or empty) and that it will accomplish its intended purpose.  All my scoldings, corrections and discipline are really void without God’s word.  Why did I not realize that?

I will never encourage my children to be better, less argumentative, more obedient on my own.  Really, my words don’t carry that much power.  But, God’s words do!  What an amazing thought!  And just like they can impact us in our eternal existence they can impact our daily lives!  That is incredible. So, I’m going to start praying God’s words over my children, my spouse, myself and others in my life.  And I’m preparing to reap when its harvest time.  No, I don’t think that all I have to do is pray some words and just step back.  I have to prepare the ground, plant the seed, weed the fields but without rain & sunshine its all in vain.  And ultimately, God’s word is our rain and sunshine and the seed.  I can’t make those, but I can nurture the seed. 

What about you?  How do you pray for your children?

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.