How to Potty Train by a Mom of 4

Jenny/ September 28, 2020/ Family Life

Ok, so first off, I want to just give a disclaimer here. I’m not a potty training expert, or an early childhood development “expert”. I’m just a mom of 4 kids under 9 who I’ve successfully potty trained. So, if you’re looking for advice from someone who’s been to school for this you’re outta luck, sorry! If instead you’re looking

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Inconvenient Family's Fall Update

Jenny/ September 20, 2018/ Family Life

  Ok, so I’m jumping the gun by 2 days (Fall doesn’t technically arrive until Saturday) but I’m SO ready for Fall!  Here’s an update on what’s happening with our family this Fall.   I’m continuing to grow, lol.  I’m getting sideways hugs from my kiddoes and hubby as little daughter gets bigger.  My appetite has finally kicked in and

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