Let’s Finish the Year Strong in Homeschooling 2020!

Jenny/ December 10, 2020/ Family Life

So, this is almost it for the year 2020 and I have to say I’m not really sad to see it go. Though it does make me a bit sad that another year has gone and its been so CRAZY that well… I imagine you probably feel the same way. Ready for things to be “normal” and not SO stressful again 🙂 But on another note, because we can’t control what’s going on in the world…However, in your homeschooling 2020 you CAN finish your year on a good note and rarin’ to start the new year!

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Ok, so there are about 2 weeks of our lessons left and I have to say, we are ready for our 2 week Christmas break!!! WOOHOO! But honestly its not because we HATE our schoolwork so much. Actually, we enjoy it, but of course its nice to have a chill out break where we catch up on all the stuff that we fall behind in (housework, records…ahem). I’m really encouraging my son (9) to push forward though these last weeks of the year so he can thoroughly enjoy his time off. What are we doing?

Cater homeschooling 2020 to their learning style!

When we first started homeschooling I was doing some of the same old things that everybody did (or so I thought). I didn’t really know there was another way to do it. So, when I got stuck with my son’s “interesting” spelling I didn’t know what to do. Quite by accident (or perhaps God) I ran across an audio called “Spelling and the Brain” from IEW. Have you heard of IEW? If you haven’t I really, really, really recommend you reading my review of their program we use to teach writing now!

Anyway, I found out that there is a completely different way to teach spelling than to make them write their spelling words 10 times each, yada, yada…(complete boredom for my son and he absolutely despised it. Plus it wasn’t working!) Its orally! I really should have figured this out long ago because my son is a serious audioboook addict. He absolutely adores listening to books out loud (whether its me or his dad reading or a narrator). I gotta say audio books are AMAZING because I can’t read for 8 hours straight, can you😌.

Enjoy taking rabbit trails…

What’s a rabbit trail, you ask? Well quite simply its those little interests that might not make up a full year of study but your kids or you have an interest in. For example one area in our homeschooling 2020 we’re focusing on is skills/crafts. Just last week I pulled out my embroidery hoop and ALL my kids wanted to learn! Gabe (7) was CRAZY about it which I think is AWESOME because it teaches so much! They’ve all been cooking a ton this fall/winter and we’ve been making more crafts. Plus my husband has been learning how to flesh and tan hides and teaching them. They also got to trap!

Encourage self discipline in your homeschooling 2020.

This is honestly HUGE for your kids (and you). Everyone needs self-discipline and your kids are no different. I expect my kids to be able to say no to certain things and to regulate themselves even when I’m not there. As they get older they get more freedoms but all more responsibility. For example, when they go to Grampas I give them the directive that they may have 1 or 1/2 of a sweet treat. I expect them to follow through on my direction or they lose the opportunity to go next time. This will help them so much in later life. So if you aren’t already I would encourage you to add this to your homeschooling!

Finally, enjoy your life and the opportunity to homeschool your children!

As hard as it is sometimes to enjoy this season. (I totally get it btw, because sometimes I can barely breathe) we need to do our very best to grasp our days, number them and thank God for the blessing of homeschooling! I hope you finish your year strong!

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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.