Keeping Kids (And Adults) Healthy!
Fall is peaking around the corner and I for one, am READY! However, with the Fall and Winter seasons also comes the increase in colds, flus and other nasties 🙁 I am not wanting that, and I would bet $$ neither are you! So what’s a Momma to do? (or Dad?) Just sit back and hope you’re extra lucky this year? Well, I for one am not content with that! So, here’s my list of preventative measures I take to ward off the fall and winter illnesses.
Nutrition! I cannot stress enough the importance of what goes into your body and what stays out! Of course, no one’s diet is perfect (mine certainly isn’t) but there are definite benefits to adding certain foods to your plate (fresh, frozen fruits and vegetables, protein: nuts, meat, dairy, whole grains) and removing some foods (sugar, white breads, processed food, candy, soda, ect…) Drink water, herbal teas and sweeten your drinks with stevia or raw honey.
Rest 🙂 Make sure you and your kids aren’t overloading on activities and are getting proper rest. If you’re able schedule a nap-time for younger ones (and yourself) and limit your busyness! Get your kids in bed early at night, especially if they are gone all day. Use essential oils to help them sleep better or Good Night Lotion (I love this stuff!).
Supplements! I am a firm believer in natural supplements for preventing and treating illnesses. Honestly, I’ve seen it work so many times in my own life that I can’t help but tell how much I LOVE them! One that is amazing is Elderberry Elixir! This is an extract, not a syrup so it goes a long ways! If you order by tonight you can use code ELIXIR get 20% off! Another is vitamin C. I buy chewable tablets from Vitacost which my kids love 🙂 I also use a kid’s fish oil supplement which tastes like a lemonade smoothie. This year I’m adding in a kid’s probiotic. If we get sick in spite of the precautions I use the remedies around the clock and add in Goldenseal tincture (which is amazing stuff!).
I also try to stay home from places if I know certain bugs are floating around, but if that’s not possible I make sure and use essential oils for air purification and wash my hands often! When I get home I wash our clothes and we take baths with essential oils. I also run an essential oil diffuser basically around the clock.
So, there you have it! These are my ways of keeping my family healthier. What steps do you take?
Disclaimer: I do use some affiliate links simply because I believe in these products! They don’t cost you a penny 🙂