Smart Kidz Media Review

Jenny/ July 25, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

Are you a fan of radio?  I am, but actually don’t own one anymore except in my car!  And a lot of it isn’t suitable for young ears (or any ears for that matter) which is where Smart Kidz Media comes in 🙂

They have a free radio station online for kids that’s called Smart Kidz Radio and I was blessed by being able to  review it.


So, here’s the guts to it.  Its a free sign-up and then you can purchase extensions like more programming than the free option provides.  It has stories for kids, like the “Three Little Pigs”, “Alice in Wonderland” and “The Three Musketeers”, but they are really souped up versions, which we loved!


For example, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” was absolutely hilarious in how the father bear was terrified of what was upstairs and how they got rid of Goldilocks.  There was also the story of “Robin Hood” which Jake was really enthralled with.  Gabe’s favorite was “The Three Little Pigs”


Actually, my kids are crazy about this station and so am I!  The stories have morals or extras woven into them that the kids classics didn’t have.  They do different voices throughout the stories and in general last around 20 minutes each.  My kids were extremely interested in them and it held their attention great.  In fact, my only issue was getting them to stop listening 😉


They also have a live streaming option for songs which are character building songs like being kind, sharing, how we are all special, ect…These are sung by a kids group, which my kids really enjoyed!


Later, you will be able to access on-demand programs which will allow you to choose from several different stations for $3.99/month or $39.00/year.  If you are interested in that, then click HERE for the facts on that.


In the future, they are also hoping to having downloadable programs which would be super handy for road trips.  I also love to let the boys listen to stories while they are winding down for naps and bedtime so this would work perfectly.


I am extremely pleased with this radio station.  Honestly its the first one I’ve ever seen directly geared toward children that wasn’t full of fluff and silliness.  This is actually something I will encourage them to listen to!


While I do mostly reviews on homeschooling related products, this is suitable for anyone with young children.  And if you’re like me and always searching for programs that build (not tear down) character and enliven the imagination then I highly encourage you to check them out!





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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.