"Bible Study for All Ages" Review

Jenny/ July 10, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

 I was given the opportunity to review Bible Study Guide for All Ages with Jake & Gabe this summer.  This is a thorough study of the Bible that includes a workbook for each age group and wall maps and timelines.  We reviewed the Beginner (3-K) and the Intermediate (3rd-4th).


 (This is the one Gabe worked on)

 (This is the one Jake (7) worked on)


Unfortunately, this summer has been a “little” crazy.  We found out in May we were expecting and I have felt just this side of death since then.  I’m finally starting to feel like a human again.  So, all my great plans for summer education have went on the very back burner while I just tried to keep everyone alive (myself included).  However, we did do some of the Bible study because even if everything else can’t get done God’s word is still the most important thing.  


Gabe (4) was a wild card with these.  He liked them at first but has a very (ok a really really) short attention span.  He worked on some but for the most part I spent time trying to keep him from reorganizing the books of the Bible cards while Jake and worked on the actual study.


I would read the Bible lesson to them (Jake doesn’t like to read independently yet) and we would discuss it while using the lesson.  I let Jake & Gabe color while I read.  We had some interesting discussions on why its wrong to love one child over another (for example) and the problems jealousy can cause.  We also found the song on YouTube for learning the sons of Jacob and the boys thought that was fun 🙂


We also used the Bible Book Summary Cards for learning about the books of the Bible.  These were really neat.  They had highlights of each book of the Bible to help you memorize what each book is about.  I really liked that!  We would put a new one up on our dry erase board each week and discuss it.


We also started the timeline.  The boys cut out the pieces and pasted them on.  We did get a few in odd places, lol, but it honestly didn’t matter and they really enjoyed that!



I think this would be a perfect curriculum for homeschooling and Sunday school or children’s church.  Especially since the maps and timelines are huge it works better if you have a dedicated wall or large room for those.  Its a little time intensive but is a very thorough and solid series of Bible lessons for building a solid Biblical knowledge foundation in your kids!  I would recommend it to others and plan to continue it with my kids.  Its super simple to combine different ages at one time so that is very helpful.  I can see this would be a huge benefit in children’s church also.


We could all probably use a deeper understanding of the Bible and we have to be careful that we don’t just concentrate on the “popular” stories and leave out the rest.  God’s word is all important and meant to be a “lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path”.


Don’t forget to check out the other reviews at the link below!
















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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.