Best Nest Wellness Review Update

Jenny/ February 3, 2018/ Homeschool Reviews

I told you the other day about my reviewing Best Nest Wellness products.  Here is the continuing story.  For the introduction please go HERE. 


I’ve now been taking the Prenatal vitamins, Probiotic & supplemental Liquid Iron for about 10 days.  So here is my take on them already. 


Prenatal:  within 2 days of starting them, my energy levels increased.  In fact, I’m not needing as many naps and many days am able to skip it entirely!  Yippie!  I love naps but despise feeling so drained that I have to take one.  I also noticed I was not as weepy during this monthly cycle.


Cultured Probiotic:  within 2-3 days I noticed my digestion was MUCH better.  I’ve had a problem with feeling extremely full after only eating a tiny amount.  After starting these that has gone away!


Liquid Iron:  during my monthly cycle I lose a lot of blood and feel extremely drained and exhausted.  So, I thought I would try taking this and see if it helped.  And yes it has!  I’m also sleeping much better at night, which I had read iron supplementation can help 🙂


There will be an update on the Men’s Multi in another week (from my husband)! 


Although I’ve been taking these supplements less than 2 weeks they are already making a difference in how I feel!  I’ll update in another 10-14 days!


Disclaimer:  I received these products free for an impartial review.  I am not making money off these links, but I do highly recommend these products!



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About Jenny

Jenny is a homeschooling mom of 4 and wife to a wonderful husband. She enjoys reading, a good cup of coffee, and spending time outdoors with her family. You can find her writing about Jesus, homeschooling, and life on her blog Our Inconvenient Family, and contributing regularly at Lifeschooling Conference.